As ChatGPT and other bots have been released, many companies have been eager to utilize the potential of AI for marketing and content creation. However, the introduction of anti-bot tools has resulted in search engines delisting numerous websites for relying on AI to create their content. Therefore, many businesses are now seeking ways to use AI in a safer and more reliable setting. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using AI within a company and how to incorporate the technology effectively.

The Consequences of AI
Many websites attempted to use AI for specific activities and woke up to notices from Google, indicating that the search engine had detected and flagged their AI-generated content. This resulted in their entire site being delisted. Although AI is evolving, so too are detection tools, and industry experts at are warning against the complications of relying solely on AI for content creation. They advise combining human knowledge and intelligence with AI to ensure that content satisfies the Google Helpful Content Update and Google EEAT criteria.

The Benefits of AI
Artificial Intelligence has numerous applications such as project management, automated communication and correspondence, client fulfilment, and even data collection. Where AI will thrive moving forward is in simplifying general tasks and handling them without governance. This frees up employee time and minimizes expenses in the process. Additionally, AI can learn as it goes, and tasks that may not be compatible now could be addressed in the near future.

AI for SEO
Search Engine Optimization has long been a popular technique utilized by marketing experts. With AI, this technique has become even more prominent. AI software can evaluate data in a more intrinsic manner than a human counterpart, making it possible to have a bot analyse information across various tools and compile the most relevant findings for manual review by marketing professionals. AI can handle tasks internally, allowing a marketer to define responsibilities for the bot and then sit back as the AI handles those activities with minimal fuss.

In conclusion, AI for businesses can be a fantastic way to enhance productivity, speed up progress, and take care of tasks that employees may dread. However, using AI to replace human input in creative activities, such as writing, composition or artwork, has been recognized as a failed effort as AI lacks the basic processes that make a human a human. Nonetheless, AI can process data in a superior way, and businesses are learning to incorporate AI within their working practices to maximize their performance and free up time for tasks requiring human attention.

By UBNTeam